How to use Ahrefs for free?

Who doesn’t like free things? Every one of us does, right? The same scenario applies even when you get a chance to use the best digital marketing tool. As you can test the application and utilize it for finding online opportunities to build your brand. When we talk about digital marketing tools, the first thing that strikes your mind is Ahrefs. We get you the complete guide for how to use Ahrefs for free. 

It hosts multiple features that assist content marketers, demand generation marketers, and SEO professionals to scale their growth. Other primary use cases would include carrying research for blog topics, exploring untapped keywords for organic marketing, and finding the best opportunities for result-oriented keywords. These all activities when are constituted together, it helps in boosting the online presence of your brand. 

When you are aware of what Ahrefs does, it makes it harder for a marketer to not include this tool in their tech stack. But there are many instances where an individual can’t afford a tool and look forward to the alternatives. You don’t need to worry as they offer free SEO tools and content marketing tools. If we look at the capabilities, it is more than sufficient when it comes to expectations delivered by them. 

How to use Ahrefs for free? 

There are many scenarios where a marketer can use Ahrefs completely free of cost. But it comes with certain limitations as you all know that free tools can give you the complete details. Here are some of the major ways where you can use Ahrefs for free. 

Before we proceed with how to use Ahrefs for free, you need to visit the Ahrefs free platform to access all the applications mentioned below. Remember that this platform has subgroups that allow you to choose any desired function for researching your online marketing activities. 

1. Generating ideas for focus keywords 

Ahrefs has a free keyword generator tool that helps you to find keyword ideas based on the focus keyword you select. The data is generated from several sources and gives you enough keyword ideas that are relevant to your brand. The best thing about using the keyword research tool is that you get all the data in a fraction of seconds.

2. Analyse keyword difficulty level 

Before starting any online marketing activities, you need to ascertain the difficulty level from all the list of keywords. The keyword difficulty checker tool from Ahrefs lets you get an idea of how difficult those keywords are to rank on a search engine. The difficulty level is derived in a metric from 0 to 100, this allows you to understand how difficult it is to rank the keywords. 

3. Research keywords for YouTube 

If you are actively promoting your videos on the YouTube platform, then this tool would be resourceful for you. As the tool lets you get metrics on the expected views that the keyword will generate for the videos published on YouTube. It also helps in understanding the total number of users who are searching for a specific keyword on the platform. 

4. Get keyword data for the Amazon platform 

It’s not just the search engine that you can research for keywords, Ahrefs also supports keyword research for Amazon. This is highly beneficial for the small-scale businesses that have their products listed on this platform. And with this feature, you can optimize the product description as per the keywords searched by the end-user. One of the best ways to boost the organic sales of your product without additional budget. 

5. Search keywords for Bing search engine 

Bing is one of the most popular utilized search engines after Google. Any business or a blog should not hesitate by optimising their website according to the Bing search engine guidelines. Ahrefs tool provides you with all the data that is relevant for your brand and also gives you an estimation of the traffic that you will get. 

Suggested read: How to use Bing Webmaster tools

6. Checking keyword ranking position 

When you are investing your time in link-building activities, it is crucial for marketers to regularly check the keyword rank position. As the keyword ranking position helps in determining whether your organic campaign is a success or not. Ahrefs has a search checker and rank checker tool to analyze all the top-ranking keywords for your brand. You can also check the keyword ranking position performed in other countries as well. 

7. Monitoring backlinks 

Checking backlinks is one of the majorly utilized platforms of any marketer. Because in order to outrank your competitors from a search engine, you need backlinks. And through Ahrefs, you can continuously evaluate the performance of your backlinks towards your website. The free platform of monitoring backlinks allows you to check up to 100 links. 

8. Checking broken links 

When Google or any search engine finds broken links on a website, it creates a negative impact. The broken links can be caused by multiple reasons. But it needs to be addressed immediately so that the user experience doesn’t get affected. Ahrefs has a broken link checker tool that lets you analyze broken links in a short time. It also allows you to tell if there are any broken links based on external outlink.

9. Checking the authority of a website 

Ahrefs has a metric to determine the authority of the website, it is known as DR. DR stands for domain rating, it is almost similar when we compare it to the domain authority. But it has different parameters for the evaluation that constitutes a DR score. You can use the Ahrefs platform to determine what is the domain rating score of your website. 

10. Easy data accessibility 

Ahrefs offers a free SEO toolbar and WordPress plugin that allows you to conduct website audits, check the health conditions of the backlinks, broken links trackers, and many other features. The best thing about this feature is that you can use everything under one platform. It helps you to save time and focus on the task that is your priority. 

How to access the premium features of Ahrefs for free? 

Unfortunately, Ahrefs doesn’t allow you to get a free premium trial account for using the application. The above instances that have been mentioned come with restrictions. The limitation is that you can’t extract more data. But it is sufficient to get an idea of the online campaign activity. 

There is an option to access premium features of Ahrefs, but it’s not freely available. You need to take a trial plan that is known as Lite. It costs $7 for 7 days which has complete access to all the features of Ahrefs. This is enough to determine whether the application suits your business requirement or not. Based on that you can even think about scaling the plan. 

The Lite plan gets everything that you need which you don’t find in the free tools provided by Ahrefs. You can add up to five websites, track around 500 keywords, and have a crawl limit of 10,000 pages. These offerings are enough for a small website or a business that is exploring different marketing tools. 


While the free SEO tools platform provided by Ahrefs does the job for entry-level marketers. But if you have a large website that has huge content and media files, you may need to opt for a paid plan. 

I hope that you are now aware of how to use Ahrefs for free. Let me know if you have any doubts or concerns about using the application.

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