Insert the content within the box and it will automatically calculates the word count.

Best Word Counter Tool Online

Best Word Counter Tool Online

0 words

What is a Word Counter tool?

Word Counter tool from BloggersCapital is a free online editor application that helps you to count words. The word count app assists you in counting total words which eventually helps in choosing word choice and writing style. This web application can even help detect grammar mistakes and plagiarism with the help of third-party extensions that you have integrated with your browser. 

By using this Word Count app, you can enhance your writing. By meeting specific word requirements, ensuring grammatical accuracy, maintaining content originality, and creating better reading experience for your audience. It's a valuable free online tool for writers, students, professionals, and anyone who wants reliable platform for counting words.

Before we proceed explaining further, do not forget to bookmark this page for easy access for future use.

How to use the word count application?

This app is super easy to use where you just need to simply enter your text in the provided text box. And as you type, remove, or edit, you'll see the word count dynamically update. You can also copy and paste text from another program into the editor or type manually to know the count. 

Why do you need to use our word counter app?

There are multiple benefits of using our application, here are some:

1. Analyzing Word Requirements

Many writing assignments, whether for academic, professional, or creative purposes, have specific word limits or minimum requirements. This Word Counter tool helps you stay within those boundaries, ensuring your content meets the required length by informing you the correct count.

2. Free to use platform

Word Count app is not only a powerful tool but also a freely accessible resource. It provides its features without any cost, allowing you to benefit from its functionalities without any financial barriers.

3. Speed

When it comes to speed, WordCounter is developed to provide you quick and efficient word count results. The best part about it is you don’t have to hit enter or use any other button to calculate the number of words! Everything happens dynamically. As you type, remove, or edit any text, the word count dynamically update in real time. This quick feedback allows you to track your progress and make adjustments as needed, which makes you stay aligned on your word count goals.

4. Online based web app

As for the best online application for word counting, BloggerCapital’s Word Counter stands out among the competition. Its user-friendly interface, reliable word counting accuracy, instant results, third party integrations makes it a comprehensive and versatile tool.

5. Accurate

Our word count tool is committed to accuracy. Whether you're a student, professional, or writer, Word Counter app is a reliable and efficient tool to support your writing endeavors. Let us know if you find any discrepancies.

6. Integrates with your third-party browser extensions for:

A. Optimize your Writing Style: Our platform goes beyond word counting. With the help of any third-party extensions, you can make better alternative word choices and distribute keywords equally. This helps you craft well-written and engaging content for the readers.

B. Grammar and Plagiarism Detection: Word Counter tool by BloggersCapital has the capability to detect grammar mistakes and highlight potential instances of plagiarism. This feature helps you maintain the integrity of your writing by identifying and rectifying errors or ensuring originality.

C. Other purposes: Like analysing keyword density, tone style, sentiment analysis and many more.

Asked Questions

Knowing the word count is important for various purposes. For example, if you need to meet a minimum or maximum word requirement for an article, blog, essay, report, legal document, story book, or research paper, Word Counter app ensures your text comes within the defined criteria.

As the application can be accessed from any source, it allows them to read the data and give you the required analysis. This information helps you to serve the goals that you are looking for. This results in effective writing.

We are rapidly developing this platform for many other use cases, in future you can see: auto-save feature, average speaking and reading time for your text, giving you an estimate of how long it will take to deliver or read your content. 

While Word Count app strives hard for accuracy, it is important to note that it may not always be infallible. Despite our efforts, variations can occur. In such instances, you can reach out to us where we can work towards improving the precision of our tools.

Happy Writing!

We hope Word Counter app by BloggersCapital proves to be a valuable tool in enhancing your writing and meeting your word count objectives.