What is Flywheel

There’s been exponential growth in demand for web hosting services. Because every other day you can see the businesses and internet marketers going digital. At this rate of digitization, there is a huge importance for hosting website solutions. One such popular solution that takes an active part is Flywheel. In this guide, you’ll understand what is Flywheel and the benefits of using Flywheel. 

You can be a small-time business or an entry-level digital marketer, Flywheel is one of the best web hosting solutions that you can opt for your website hosting. Because of its user-friendly interface and a wide amount of integrations. These attributes are crucial for your website to run smoothly. 

Flywheel understands the customer pain points and has addressed every issue. By catering to one of the world’s best content management systems which are WordPress. And this is what makes the Flywheel more desirable and stands out from other players. 

Whether you are a complete beginner or advanced level programmer, the Flywheel offers a platform for everyone. They have the best customer support team where they help you to assist in every step of your web hosting activity. You will discuss everything in this blog.

What is Flywheel? 

Flywheel is a web hosting provider that specializes in catering services for WordPress websites. When it comes to performance, customer support, and bandwidth, Flywheel offers the best in market metrics. 

It was launched in the year 2012 from Nebraska, USA. The founders are Rick Knudston, Dusty Davidson and Tony Noecker. They had developed the Flywheel platform to simplify the WordPress CMS for entry-level developers and designers. 

With this motive, Flywheel started to get immediate traction in terms of the web hosting business. They are now one of the leading web hosting solution providers for building WordPress websites. And if you look at the overall customer reviews, they are happy with the solutions that Flywheel provides them. 

Benefits of using Flywheel for WordPress website 

There are many benefits of using Flywheel to host WordPress websites. Starting from easy installation to security. You will find everything that you require for managing a WordPress website on Flywheel. 

1. You receive a free SSL certificate 

The best thing about using Flywheel hosting services is that you get a free SSL certificate for the website. As you all know how important SSL certificates are nowadays. Because Google algorithm has updated their search engines policy and favours websites that have SSL enabled for their website. And this is one of the major ranking factors that get you on top of the search result. 

2. You get a content delivery network (CDN) 

The content delivery network is important for Website owners who host thousands or millions of images and other media files on their website. This helps to fasten the website loading process so that your web visitors get actively engaged. It boosts the performance of the website on a larger scale. The search engine appreciates websites that are responding fast. 

3. Automatic backup 

Backup of the website is very important in case of any future emergencies. Whether your website can be hacked or affected by some of the Malware. And the list of reasons keeps ongoing. This is the reason backup of the website is very important. But there are certain times that you can’t back up your website manually. Flywheel helps you to automate this process and ensures you get the latest backup of your website files. 

4. Create websites on the Staging platform 

The best thing about creating a website on the staging platform is that you can safely develop your website without breaking it. The staging platform allows you to identify what can be the major loopholes that can affect your website. You also get a platform to showcase it to your clients or management to display it in the form of a demo of your website. 

5. Superior customer support 

Customer support is one of the most important factors that you need to evaluate before opting for a web hosting service. Because if you don’t get good customer support, there can be chances to lose huge customers & revenue from your website. This is the reason you need to have a good customer support team in which reaching out to the team will be convenient in case of issues. 

6. Free virus checking tools 

This is one of the most beneficial factors of using Flywheel for web hosting. Flywheel offers Malware and Virus checking tools at completely free of cost, you can remain stress-free. Because there are many instances found by website owners in which the plugin contains Malware. And when your hosting provider gives virus checking tools, you need not worry about the issues because it will automatically find the problem and notify you. 

7. Developed particularly for WordPress 

A unique selling proposition that has been positioned by Flywheel. As you all know millions of websites are built on WordPress. You can easily find many website owners looking for specialised services in hosting their WordPress website or blog. The Flywheel was able to address all the customer pain points and have a simplified WordPress platform for Website owners. 

8. Lesser downtime 

Downtime is one of the negative factors that influence the performance of the website. When you encounter a website having a frequent breakdown and can’t sustain a huge amount of traffic, it can be a problematic situation that you need to think over. Because downtime is something that affects the user experience and search engines as well. By using Flywheel, the downtime is very less compared to other hosting providers. 

9. Advanced developer tools 

Do not assume that the Flywheel is meant only for beginners. You get advanced tools that can be configured by developers in creating and managing the website. It hosts multiple features that allow developers to customize as per their needs and satisfies the expectations of management and clients. 

10. Worry-free experience 

Flywheel offers multiple features that include easy and quick installations of WordPress websites. They also offer hack-free security. This is one of its kind in which the Flywheel will assist you if your website gets hacked. They help you to regain your website within minutes so that the customer experience is intact. 

The bottom line 

There are many benefits and advantages of using Flywheel for WordPress web hosting services. From getting free website migration services to an intuitive dashboard for managing multiple WordPress websites. This is something that helps to stand out from the rest of WordPress hosting providers. 

You can easily customize and scale your website on the Internet domain. To make this process simpler, they also offer one-click installable scripts and provide you with a dedicated IP address. All the factors help in providing a better customer experience for your website visitors and achieve your business goals. 

I hope that you are now aware of what is Flywheel and the benefits of using it. Let me know your thoughts on whether you want to use Flywheel for hosting WordPress websites.

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