Purpose of Creating a Blog | 10 Reasons to Start Blog

In this blog post, you will learn the purpose of creating a blog. We will also cover the following topics:

+ What is a blog

+ Purpose of creating a blog

+ Tools to help you to start a blog

In this recent era, blogging is trending periodically over the years. There has been a massive scope of opportunities created in digital space which is still unexplored by many.

Everyone wants a piece of their own. A blog is a right way to get your platform in this digital space.

People pursue writing blogs on the basis of their interests or as a hobby.

Personally, there are a lot of advantages to starting a blog.

It increases your chances of improving creativity, thought process and communication skills – the primary reason to start a blog. Much required skills in this digital era.

Without further ado, let’s get to know the purpose of creating a blog. Before that, you need to know what a blog is.

What is a Blog?

As per Wikipedia, Blog is a set of textual entries made in the form of blog posts and published on a website on the internet. The textual content might have information, opinions or a view of a person or group of people.

In layman’s language, a Blog is a platform where you can put out your thoughts and share them with people across the globe.

There are already millions of blogs on the internet. And the number of blogs is increasing drastically.

Difference between a Blog and a Website

Blogs and Websites go hand in hand as both are almost identical.

You can term a blog as a website, but not the other way around.

Websites are developed for business purposes where they can showcase their products and services through informational web pages. This is usually static and the design elements completely vary form a blog.

Blog consists of articles that are lengthy and design elements don’t constitute a website. Blogs are a set of dynamic pages that are represented through articles, news, researches and so on.

What do you mean by Blogger?

A blogger is an individual who administrates the entire blog and is a decision-maker. Bloggers decide the content that has to be published on their blog and has complete rights in sharing their views and opinions.

If your purpose is to start a blog, then you hold the complete authority to become a Blogger.

Suggested read: What is Microblogging?

Purpose of creating a blog:

1. You can create your own identity in digital space

Earlier I mentioned the purpose that Blog is the best place where you can share your thoughts, opinions and views. This enables you to create your own identity and show the world what you are all about.

A unique opportunity for an individual to get recognised in the digital space. If you always looked up and wished to have an identity of your own, blogging is the best way to build your identity.

Blogging is always factually based. If you want your readers to enjoy the content that you’ve published, it should be factual and talking to the point.

2. Networking

Did you know that blogging is the best place to meet new people? Yes, it’s true. Blogging can create a platform of acquaintances where they can become your friends or even family too! People often reach out to bloggers whenever they’re moved by a story or share a common platform with you.

This gives a better chance to understand the cultures and traditions of people across the world. Blogging lets you even explore places for this reason. Networking has long term benefits, you can become a powerful influencer wherever you go. Companies will start reaching out to you to promote their products or services.

You also get a chance to meet top people from across the globe through blogging. People will start to value your work and receive connections from groups of people.

3. Earning potential (popular for purpose of creating a blog)

When your blog starts to get more traffic (readers), you get a chance to monetize your content. Earning potential through blogs is limitless. If you’re a student, it’s the best chance to start it as a hobby and scale it over the years! (wish I knew this during my college days!). Blogging can be your side hustle and a good source of income. A popular reason to start a blog.

For people who are working and want to ditch their 9 to 5 job, Blogging is a great way to start your career! But ensure that you start it as a side hustle and then you can take it full time. I’ll be starting a series on how to make money through blogging in the coming days. Stay tuned!

4. Learn something new every day!

Whenever you are writing a blog on any topic, it is a common process to research, check facts and articulate your thoughts. This helps you in learning something new every day! It just doesn’t limit learning, expressing your thoughts improves your creativity and way of thinking.

My favourite reason to start blogging which I’ve benefitted through this process. As I keep writing new stuff, I get a chance to learn something new. You can gain immense knowledge and exposure to the outside world. You can also gain the same by writing a blog.

5. Build a group of audience members

A major contributing factor for the purpose to start a blog is you can inspire millions of people through your blog. This can be anything – a story-based or fact that you generated from research. Blogging is the best platform to build relationships and create awareness amongst your group.

When you are able to inspire people, offer something that is purposeful and introduce something that is enjoyable, you become an influencer! Learn and grow by starting a blog and inspire people through your journey.

6. Get your desired job

I guess you won’t believe it when you hear that through blogging, you can get the job you desired. I’m not kidding about it. Were you aware that so many people have landed a job of their choice through blogging? You heard it right. Blogging creates a platform to opt for a career by reaching out to people and showcasing your blog to them.

There are so many instances where bloggers have received high-paying job offers. For example: if you’re an architect, you can create custom designs and show them visually across the globe to tap the relevant audience. When this gets noticed by your superiors or the interviewer, it gives a major boost to your profile. This should definitely add in the list of reasons to create a blog.

7. Business opportunities

Another popular reason to create a blog would be, you attract, build, grow an audience and through that, you monetize your content. This creates a business opportunity for you. You can build your own brand and explore opportunities to scale your business in the digital space.

Blogging creates an opportunity to grow your business, depending on the niche of your blog, you can introduce products and services to your audience. This helps you in expanding your business, partner with them and create a value proposition.

So many bloggers have transformed themselves into business owners, initially, they have started with a personal blog and end up creating a brand. You can adopt the same process in creating a business of your own.

8. Blogging is future

You can create research reports, data validation and share it with your relevant audience. This helps in documenting your work and can show whenever it’s required. Don’t assume that blogging is dead as said by many other bloggers. It’s just a way of getting readers on their blog and earning through content. Future-ready reason to create a blog.

Blogging is growing and continuously evolving, you need to be ready to adapt to new trends and techniques which can help you outsmart other bloggers. Continuously delivering quality content is the key to grow your blog at a rapid scale. Content should be share-worthy and enjoyable so that your blog is promoted through word of mouth.

9. To build your skills

The primary purpose of creating a blog would be, Blogging lets you build new skills. Directly or indirectly, blogging lets you learn so many things. There are a few instances that I’ll be sharing here.

If you’re a person from a technical background or any other stream that is from a non-marketing background, you start to learn the following skills:

Social media marketing – Whenever you develop a blog, you need to promote it. Here you will start to learn social media marketing techniques to promote your blog content.

Networking with people – When you build an audience, you keep solving their problems which eventually leads to creating a beautiful relationship with them.

Email marketing – This can be a compliment email received to you for writing such nice content or it can be even outreach to other bloggers for promoting your content.

Web design – When you want to put words on a blog, you need to ensure that the design is minimal and doesn’t bother your audience while reading. Here you turn yourself to be a web designer implementing the best design practices for your blog.

And most importantly how to write content – Blogging is the best way to develop your writing skills. You learn new terms, implement them on your blog and educate yourself.

Learn: What is Tumblr used for?

10. Showcase your abilities

The last purpose of creating a blog would be its platform, Blogging is the best platform to showcase your abilities. As you know that through blogging, you can reach a huge audience, this creates an opportunity for you to portray the skills that make you stand out from the crowd.

There are more readers than writers, with this scope, you have a great opportunity to develop content and reach out to the audience. Blogs can act as a resume or portfolio as well. Whenever you showcase your blogs to your peers or higher management, they appreciate the knowledge you possess.

purpose to start blog infographics

Tools to help you start blogging

Did you know that you can start a blog for free?

It’s absolutely true!

The Internet is a wonderful place where you can explore so many things. This includes a free blogging platform for yourself.

I wouldn’t be recommending this step if your motive is to start a business through blogging.

There are a few popular platforms where you can start a blog for free (and make passive money as well!)

1. Blogger

2. WordPress

3. Wix

4. Squarespace

5. Weebly

These platforms are easy to learn and you can launch a blog of your own in minutes.

Its simple interface and powerful customization features make it a powerful tool for blogging.

These platforms are known as open-source platforms which is a self-hosted solution for bloggers.

If you wish to start a business on a blog, you need to opt for a set of tools.

Initially, you need to start with buying a domain name, hosting, theme and then additional tools to build your blog.

Learn: What is WordPress CMS Platform?

To sum it up,

The purpose to create a blog depends upon your requirements as listed above. Remember that starting a blog is never easy. As new blogs don’t get immediate traffic through search engines. It takes time for your blog to get ranked. So maintain perseverance and have an attitude to never give up.

There’s a popular saying, ‘A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step’.

With that thought, I leave it on you folks!

Hope you enjoyed reading the purpose of creating a blog edition.

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