What is ThirstyAffiliates

When it comes to affiliate marketing, there is a great need for affiliate marketing tools to manage affiliate activities. One such popular tool that affiliate marketers use in managing is ThirstyAffiliates. It is one of the most widely used affiliate marketing tools and people who are unaware about it need to know what is ThirstyAffiliates? 

The affiliate marketing industry is growing rapidly. Many online and offline marketing techniques are being implemented by businesses to their audience. Companies are looking forward to expanding their business and revenue growth through affiliate marketing. It has also benefitted the publishers (content creators) getting benefited through this activity. 

The importance of the affiliate marketing process can work in many ways. Starting from sharing your link across the video-sharing platform like YouTube and content sharing platforms like blogging. The publishers are also known as marketers who use the product from a company and promote it on their convenient digital marketing channels. It creates a Win-Win for both parties. As the entire process is result-driven. 

When you are aware of how affiliate marketing works, the entry of affiliate marketing tools such as ThirstyAffiliates makes the lives of publishers easy. Let us now understand what ThirstyAffiliates is and its influence on affiliate marketing. 

What is ThirstyAffiliates? 

ThirstyAffiliates is an online plugin that is available for WordPress users. It is basically a link management tool that is popularly used for managing affiliate links by cloaking them. The plugin is used by users who want to create, manage and integrate affiliate links in their website. 

When you register in any affiliate marketing program, the next thing that any marketer will start to do is promote the product or solution. Later, they select the product and generate the URL for promotion. The URL is being shared across the marketer’s digital marketing channels. During this process, the affiliate URL looks lengthy and clumsy. It is not user-friendly and every time the marketer needs to add a no-follow script for every affiliate link promoted. It is also not easy to share because of its length. This is where ThirstyAffiliates comes into the picture. 

With the ThirstyAffiliates plugin, you can manage all the affiliate marketing activities seamlessly. It has advanced features which will help you in affiliate link management and provide you trackable features which will be beneficial. 

Why do we need to use ThirstyAffiliates? 

There are many reasons that you need to use ThirstyAffiliates for managing your affiliate marketing activities. Here are some of the major benefits that will get by using ThirstyAffiliates.

Customizing the affiliate links 

With the help of ThirstyAffiliates, you can easily customize the affiliate links you want. This helps on a larger scale when it comes to the branding of your website. Because you can use your brand name within the affiliate links that help in building credibility from your audience. 

You can also shorten the length of the affiliate links instantly and use the brand name within it. This is one of the major brand-boosting factors that are influential on audience perspective. It helps marketers to easily link the products or services that they are promoting. And it also helps in improving the customer experience by browsing through your given affiliate link.

There are multiple benefits of customizing affiliate links. It can be easy to remember, gaining trust and linking the URL to any attribute. The use cases and convenience of using customized affiliate links are plenty. 

A convenient way of adding affiliate links 

With the help of ThirstyAffiliates, you get a shortcut button within your WordPress block editor. And when you click the affiliate link button, you will get redirected to a separate window in which you can see a gallery of affiliate links that you have. 

The steps to add affiliate links are very convenient for any individual. This makes it easier when you have to promote multiple products and services to your audience. 

You need to pre-set all the affiliate links within the library of ThirstyAffiliates. This will be the best way in using the ThirstyAffiliates for your affiliate activities. 

The options to add affiliate links within the gallery will be the link name, destination URL, and the redirect type if you want to use it. You can also implement a no-follow attribute and provide an option to open the link in a new window. These are some of the features that are much required for affiliate marketers. 

Easy management of affiliate links 

This scenario is relatable for affiliate marketers who are promoting several products and services across multiple companies. As it has been developed for the WordPress platform, it makes your work easier to manage the affiliate links with ThirstyAffiliates. 

It is all in one platform where you can organize, customize and manage your affiliate links. They also can be grouped into categories which will be beneficial in accessing the links when required. It will also be easier to search it and insert it within your blog post. 

You can also extract the report from Thirsty Affiliates. It has the file import and export options in which you can back up all the data. It doesn’t overlap your other website operations and exports all the insights that are required for an affiliate campaign. 

Adding affiliate links in bulk 

The Thirsty Affiliates is one of the best affiliate tools that you can use in adding affiliate links in bulk. The process to do this is very simple, you need to visit the settings section of the Thirsty Affiliate. Later, you need to go to the auto-link keywords section. 

When you click the auto-link keyword section, a new window will open where you can enter the keywords that you want to focus the affiliate link for. For example, if you want to promote any hosting provider, you can target keywords like hosting services, web hosting, website server, and so on. When you enter these keywords, the affiliate link automatically adds all the keywords that you provide. 

This feature is very handy for marketers who want to add affiliate links in bulk. Because they will be having hundreds or thousands of blog posts on their website, it is very hard for them to add affiliate links individually. 

To sum it up 

When it comes to managing affiliate links, ThirstyAffiliates is one of the best tools that you can go for. As you have understood what is ThirstyAffiliates are and why you need to use them, the use cases are never-ending. 

Starting from affiliate link brand management to adding the link across your website, the process is user-friendly and uncomplicated. They have a free version and premium version plan, based on your requirement you can opt for the plugin for your affiliate marketing activities. 

Let me know your experience in using ThirstyAffiliates.

Further, read:

How to use ThirstyAffiliates?

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