What is BuzzSumo

Content marketing tools have become the need of the hour. As the world is completely digitally cluttered, every marketer looks forward to opting for the best content marketing application. One such popular app is the BuzzSumo. We get you completely covered regarding what is BuzzSumo and what it does. 

The content marketing app helps in understanding the nature of your business in the digital domain. This makes the tool one of the primary methods if you have to conduct any research for your company. It helps you understand what the market is all about based on the Industry that you want to focus on. 

With this software, you can take your content marketing to a whole new level. As you get multiple functions that are advantageous when it comes to standing out from your competitors. Let us now understand what is BuzzSumo all about? 

What is BuzzSumo? 

BuzzSumo is one of the leading content marketing platforms where you can conduct extensive research on the influencers, content, and social media statistics. These metrics are crucial for a digital and content marketer who wants to scale growth using their website resources. 

The BuzzSumo is one of the leading content marketing tools that is used by many marketers across the globe. It makes marketing work so easy when you have to conduct research on influencers or the content that is related to your industry. This helps the marketer who is relatively new to the industry and wants to gain better insights. 

You can also explore new avenues of content marketing and also perform outreach campaigns using this application. Some of the major metrics that you can track are real-time content engagements based on the likes, shares, and comments on the blog posts. It also helps you in researching the trending topics for your industry so that you can stay a step ahead of your competitors. 

Advantages of using BuzzSumo 

There are many advantages of using BuzzSumo, below are some of the major benefits gained by Digital marketers. 

1. Perform content research 

The BuzzSumo is one of the resourceful applications for performing content research for your business. This is purely based on using the competitor’s data based on the industry level that you want to target. As the application helps in scraping a wide amount of data across multiple websites which will give you insights into or content ideas. You just need to enter the content idea or the website address that you want to research on. 

There are multiple options that you can filter out the data for content research. This can be based on infographics, blog posts, videos, and other content-related resources. Further, you can also diversify is based on the country and language whichever is applicable for research purposes. You can also find the date filter to analyze the trends of the content performance on the web. 

Even SEO professionals can take advantage of this application. It gives you the statistics for the backlinks that are received by the content article. And with backlinks data, SEO professionals can create a link-building strategy to outrank their competitors. It also helps in providing the total word count of the content and on how many social media channels it has been promoted. 

2. Finding the influencers 

One of the most primary benefits of using BuzzSumo by marketers is to find the influencers for their industry. As the application gives you complete insights that are related to popular social media channels like Twitter. It will give you the data as per the content topics that have been inserted within the applications. 

The data gets generated based on some of the key attributes such as whether the influencers are companies or individuals. It also helps in determining how many followers, tweets, retweets, engagement levels with the audience the influencers have. You can further filter it out by the locations and engagement levels with their audience. 

BuzzSumo helps in simplifying tasks and can help you get the data that is easily segregated. Based on the research, you can make a list for which you can reach out to the influencers for promoting your brand. This is highly beneficial to reach out to the target audience based on the industry of your business through social media campaigns. 

3. Real-time Analytics 

The BuzzSumo is an excellent application to get you insights based on brand mentions, competitive mentions, content from a website, keyword mentions, and author-based mentions. These are some of the important data that is required to be analyzed before performing content marketing for your brand. 

It helps you determine the seasonality of content and lets you plan all your content promotional activities accordingly. The monitoring tools ensure that all the information is properly grouped so that you can analyze it without any hassle. 

You can also create custom alerts based on the mentions that you are receiving for your brand or it can even be for the competitors. You also find the date-wise segregation feature. As you can extract the report on a weekly or monthly basis. This feature helps in monitoring the brand mentions for your business and it creates a platform for you to engage your audience actively. 

4. Be updated with the trends 

The BuzzSumo helps in making you stay updated on the latest trends of your business. As the functionality is almost similar to the Google trends, this application has many more features that give you complete insights. 

You can extract the data by using a specific filter. It can be based on the topics or mentions that you want to focus on. When you enter these details, the BuzzSumo helps in getting you all the latest trends for a particular subject. 

BuzzSumo also helps in giving the trending score for the topic and the social media engagement level. You can also create custom trending feeds based on the Industry that you want to focus on. And the data gets compiled on the basis of hourly or day-wise. 


There is no doubt that BuzzSumo is one of the best platforms to conduct research for content marketing purposes. It also allows you to explore opportunities for your business on digital media. This feature makes it irresistible for content writers to refrain from using the application. 

The above-listed advantages are some of the major things that you can perform using this tool. There are other additional features that you can explore by yourself. As the tool offers free and premium plans, you can start using the application now.

Further, read:

How to use BuzzSumo to find influencers?

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